Homeopathy is allied to methods of treatment like acupuncture and reflexology and works on the energetic systems of the body.
How it works?
The body’s internal environment has a natural tendency towards stability and self healing but can be unbalanced by injury. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s internal energy so that the capacity for self healing is restored.
How can it Help?
Homeopathic Treatment can be used alongside Osteopathy for treatment of pain and other ailments.
Conditions such as:
- Colds and Flu
- Ear ache and sore throat
- ME and all types of energy imbalance
- Skin disorders
- Bites, burns, fractures and shock
- PMS, menopausal symptoms and other hormonal problems
For Further Information about Homeopathy, Call us on 07779 305 486 | 01903 535774 or visit What is Homeopathy